Friday, August 3, 2012

Beer #2: Shipyard Summer Ale

Shipyard Summer Ale
Brewed by: Shipyard Brewing Company
Style: American Pale Ale
ABV:  5.10%
Price: $1.59 (at Stop N' Shop Le Juene)
Serving type: Bottle

I was in the mood for Cuban food today. I paired this beer with rice, black beans, and ropa vieja: the comb was decent.
Black beans, white rice, ropa vieja, and love!
Presentation: The beer came in a 12 fl ounce bottle. The expiration date (Nov. 2012) as appropriately labeled on the side.

Appearance: Shipyard's Summer Ale had a nice light copper appearance. After pouring this beer into my Sam Adams pint glass, the head was about a finger tall. One thing that I did not expect from this summer ale was how well this refreshing summer ale maintained its head. This beer had no lacing.

Smell: The smell comes off as a tad bit hoppy. I smelled traces of lemon and wheat.

Taste: This beer taste just like it smelled. I tasted a mild amount of hops along with small bits of lemon and wheat. This summer ale taste boarders that of a light beer and a pale ale with a crisp finish.

Mouthful: Light bodied and not the least bit bitter.

Overall: Overall, this was a decent beer. Though I would not label Shipyard's Summer Ale as a must have, it is a beer worth trying out. In my opinion the price matched the taste of this summer time ale.

Rating: C

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